Moving from California to Arizona? Here’s what you’ll need to get used to!

Moving to Arizona Sign

If you’re moving to Arizona from California, you’re making a popular decision! Lots of Californians are trading sky-high living costs and property taxes for the beauty and affordability of Arizona. There’s no doubt you’ll love being here in Arizona, but here are some things that you’ll find yourself needing to get used to.

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Trading ocean beaches for lake beaches

You won’t have to kiss goodbye to beaches when you move to Arizona! We have over 100 lakes and 5 rivers and plenty of beautiful beaches. Of course they are going to be different from the saltwater beaches you might be used to, but they are super beautiful and really have their own charm. You can check out four of our favorite Arizona beaches in this post!

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Adapting to the heat

If you haven’t heard yet, Arizona can get pretty toasty! We regularly see triple-digit temperatures in the summer months but never fear because there are lots of ways you’ll be able to beat the heat. Lots of locals escape a couple hours up north to spots like Flagstaff or Prescott during the hottest times of the year, and we also have an abundance of water parks and indoor activities that will keep you cool and entertained.

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Watching out for new creepy crawlies

Get ready to trade those California slugs for Arizona scorpions! But don’t worry too much, these desert critters really aren’t as much of an issue as people might make them seem. Just get on a good pest control schedule and check your shoes before stepping into them and you will be totally fine!

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If you are seriously considering this move, you will definitely be able to adapt. Arizona living is exciting and beautiful. If you’re ready to relocate, make sure to reach out to a local real estate agent to get the answers to all your questions.