Here’s how your Money will go Further in Arizona than it will in California

Arizona on a map

Thinking about making a move from California to Arizona? You’ve probably already looked into how much money you’ll be saving by making the move to our beautiful desert, but here are some other ways that your money will go further!

Keep more of your money printed on road

1) According to Forbes, “Arizona has the highest minimum wage in the country, once adjusted for cost of living.” This means that you will have an opportunity to make more money and spend less of it when you get to Arizona!

Arizona houses from above

2) The median home price in Phoenix is $325,684. Californians staring down median home values in places like Los Angeles ($835,721) and San Francisco ($1,425,867) will definitely appreciate the housing affordability that Arizona offers!

Money in pocket

3) Pretty much everything is cheaper in Arizona: groceries, gas, restaurants, bars, etc. The overall cost of living index in Phoenix is 103.7 compared to Los Angeles’ score of 173.3. This means you will save lots of money on your monthly expenses and have more money in your pocket!

Arizona Map

Have you done the math on moving from California to Arizona? How did it work out for you? If you are interested in moving to Arizona, make sure you connect with an expert real estate agent who can help you with your specific comparisons.