Arizona is home to over 100 lakes and 5 rivers! If you’re worrying about missing...

Dogs can get pretty stir-crazy during the summer months in Arizona. Luckily, there are...

Considering a move to Arizona but worried what your dog will make of it? Our beautiful...

Making a move is overwhelming enough, so try not to be stressed about getting your car...

Saguaro cacti can take over 50 years to grow one arm and can grow over 40 feet tall. But...

What Saguaros, Prickly Pears, Ocotillos & Chollas have in common!

These iconic cactuses (Yes “cactuses” 😊 Another acceptable word is “cacti”) are all prolific in / indigenous to Arizona. Saguaro The most famous / iconic cactus is the Saguaro, pronounced “sa-wa-ro” which can grow to a height of 50 feet, sprout many arms and flower beautifully in the springtime....

Retiring soon? 5 Reasons Arizona Beats Florida Every Time

It's pretty common to see cities in Arizona and Florida competing for top spots in "best places to retire." We're obviously a little biased here but we think Arizona comes out on top for a lot of key reasons, mainly... The only kind of crocodile you'll ever find in your Arizona yard! Lack of crocodiles - Okay okay,...

Fish your heart out at Arizona’s “Big Lake”

“Big Lake” is an ironic name, kinda like when you were in high school and you’d nickname the big kid “Tiny”. It’s really not that big - only 680 Acres according to Wikipedia. But it is a very popular destination for many Valley / Southern Arizonans who don’t mind making the 4 to 5 hour drive to escape the...

Here’s how your Money will go Further in Arizona than it will in California

Thinking about making a move from California to Arizona? You've probably already looked into how much money you'll be saving by making the move to our beautiful desert, but here are some other ways that your money will go further! 1) According to Forbes, "Arizona has the highest minimum wage in the country, once...

Dog-Friendly Restaurants in Arizona’s East Valley

Eating is out is approximately 1,000% more enjoyable if you can bring your dog with you. There are quite a few restaurants in the East Valley area that have embraced this fact and have dog-friendly patios that you AND your dog will thoroughly enjoy. Here are some of our all-time favorites! O.H.S.O. Gilbert - This...

Why are Millennials Moving from California to Arizona?

Arizona promises a better life for millennials in more ways than one. If you are looking to make a change, here are the benefits of making this move! Arizona is a more affordable place to live It should come as no surprise that your money will go a lot further in Arizona than it will in California. With many...

Why You Should Never Hire the Listing Agent for the Home You Want to Buy

Trying to DIY the home buying process is never a good idea. Real estate agents go through 90 hours of extensive training to get their licenses, and then must complete "continuing education" classes to keep those licenses valid. They are experts on home buying and selling and know the ins and outs of all the procedures,...

Moving from California to Arizona? Here’s what you’ll need to get used to!

If you're moving to Arizona from California, you're making a popular decision! Lots of Californians are trading sky-high living costs and property taxes for the beauty and affordability of Arizona. There's no doubt you'll love being here in Arizona, but here are some things that you'll find yourself needing to get used...

Secrets for Surviving the Arizona Monsoons

While Arizona is relatively free of things like earthquakes and hurricanes, we do have our fair share of thunderstorms! These storms generally happen around June and July each year and typically account for around 32% of our yearly rainfall totals. It's not unusual to see toppled trees, flooded streets, and freaked out...

The Absolute Best Spots to Catch an Arizona Sunset

Arizona sunsets cannot be over-hyped. The desert's drier air means more vivid color wavelengths are able to shine through, which is why we get the most spectacular sunsets you'll ever see. Although every Arizonan has admired a sunset from their car on the way home from work, there are some pretty incredible spots that...